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Old 2012-12-15, 13:01   Link #6643
Manus ad Ferrum
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Costa Rica
Age: 33
Agreed. The point of the Grendels is being just a comic relief cartoonish villains. But that is what makes them so bad to me. All their scenes aren’t funny, interesting or even down entertaining. I can see them being animated as the most loud and annoying type of human being possible, and that is never good, no matter how much shonen I see. Just because is cliché and is in so many other media to the point is common means I will just accept them. I will hate that kind of things in any series where is play bad, as here.

And no, they aren’t improving anything. Yeah is smart how they move the bomb to the shoulder, but if they are so freaking goods: why they even take the job in the first place? Maybe will be talk later, but so far they seem to be just kind of there and their existence serve no reason from a story telling perspective other than to show Vandin being able to replace the Hückebein with even lamer characters.

You see Force have been playing with its tone since the beginning. It seem darker and a little more “serious” than the other seasons with people exploding in to ball of flesh, Veyron killing 3 nuns just because, Signum being cut in half and impale on the ground, etc. So with all of that they return too goofy plain old magical girl stuff that makes us laugh, like the Grendels. In other series the comic relief and the more serious stuff is handle better, here? It is not, starting with the fact that ALL the villains are comic relief cartoonish people. Even Curren or Hardis. They just come in and out with so much freedom and the antagonism moves to here and there for no good reasons that is hard for me to tell who I am suppose to side with. I know is SD6 but I am trying to make a point here.

In the end is just down bad characters. I can’t connect with them or force me to care. Something the first two seasons did a lot better, showing the characters with not more deepness but understandable and sympathetic back stories. Here? I have little and nothing for the Hückebein and Grendel families. And something with the powers. Since they explain it so bad, it doesn’t matter. You see because any character can have any power that the plot needs them to have. Like that nun who has the same power as Sein in StrikerS, can you think how will that end if she didn’t have that? Or Carter itself, how could they escape if he could not put cloths and weapons out of his ass? Talking about convenience, I wonder how things could go if Hardis didn’t have a Divider… is a good thing that the characters have the powers the plot needs them to have, right? So no, to be me is a lot of bullshit really.
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