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Old 2012-12-15, 18:29   Link #29
Did nothing wrong
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Age: 40
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Aww, but I was this close to being in the high score board!

You will be missed rep system, even if you contributed nothing.

It was a fun game though a bit imbalanced in favor of the givers. The problem is that you could neg someone, watch them complain in a hilarious fashion and then report said complain post which would no doubt waste the mods' time. But in a sense people could troll another twice with the press of a button. Although this is kinda funny, it's not exactly healthy.

Personally I only used it for amusement, and never targeted anyone intentionally. But even so I found myself more likely to toss - or + towards some people, so I really would say it's hard to not have these intentions in mind. Also, it's extremely easy to farm rep and negs if you want really want to provoke such reactions. Still, certain posters do seem to have earned their rep through good posting and taking the challenge of not just writing pandering posts, and others umm, I'm just gonna stay silent.

I wouldn't really mind a "thanks" system for individual posts instead but it would also cause cliques too where people arbitrarily increase each other's epeens and any appreciation can be reserved for direct contact.

P.S. I pressed the button on most of the people on this thread before. Is that ok for me to say?
PPS: In the end this is sorta like hostile in Diablo 2. A bit amusing, but too much use for griefers.
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