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Old 2012-12-16, 01:11   Link #102
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 35
Originally Posted by Irenicus View Post
Vexx-jiisan is married to a fine lady, KiNa's a great contributor of graphics and other niceties, TRL is a mature, capable journalist in real life, Triple_R is a fine gentleman who likes to make long thoughtful posts about thoughtful things, and Haak is fun and nice and very active, yet he never struck me as being a lolicon, (although he took blows from his contrary opinions in the AO thread recently, going by his rep history he just posted. Ow).

They are not like us, Saintess. Do not taint them with our sins.

How have I sinned? I follow the aniki hogosha no michi, a long lost sub-ideology of the Bushido Code. It is my duty to protect lolis from harmful influences and an imperative action that I bring them within the safe boundaries of my home - naming me a lolicon in negative context is certainly unfair!

Seriously though, there are a few posters who deserve to up on the list like the A-Masters of Caustic Criticism - Aohige, Anh Minh and Ascaloth. Their merit often goes unseen maybe due to their post lengths when delivering a pertinent reply; either that or people just passively read and not appreciate the voices of reason.

This removal of rep system gives me a mixed feeling. Maybe we should open a poll on it to see whether it is welcome or not.

When three puppygirls named after pastries are on top of each other, it is called Eclair a'la menthe et Biscotti aux fraises avec beaucoup de Ricotta sur le dessus.
Most of all, you have to be disciplined and you have to save, even if you hate our current financial system. Because if you don't save, then you're guaranteed to end up with nothing.
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