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Old 2012-12-16, 18:53   Link #31419
Join Date: Oct 2012
Originally Posted by jjblue1 View Post
If we want to go with Battler's theory that someone else killed Nanjo and then died we slam into a bunch of problems.

Kinzo, Genji, Shannon, Kanon, Gohda, and Kumasawa were declared dead prior to Nanjo's death and the same applies to Rosa and Maria.

This would leave out Krauss, Natsuhi, Kyrie, Rudolf, Hideyoshi and George.

I'll say that Battler checked Rudolf and Kyrie and possibly even some of the others if not them all (I don't remember well if he got close enough and if they presented clear signs they were corpses) but let's pretend he didn't check them at all.

If one of them were to be alive he would have to reach Nanjo and kill him to... go die short after in some unknown place for... what? An incident? Not really mystery like.
If that person was previously fatally wounded but still alive then he/she would have likely left drops of blood all around and in this case he/she wouldn't have had a reason to fake his/her death, he/she could have said he/she'd been attacked and defended himself/herself and then ask for medical aid.
It'll be safe than risking to bleed to death.

So likely Beato could have destroyed Battler's blue truth pretty easily as Bern and Lambda did for some blue truths about Ep 1 that Battler used (one of which, if I don't remember wrong, was already disproved by a red Beato used previously although during the duel in EP 4 she didn't counter it)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that's how Nanjo died. You said that they were dead before Nanjo's murder and you used Eva's red as evidence. My rebuttle "If that were true" was merely saying that the red didn't deny that they faked there death killed Nanjo and then died shortly after which is how Battler could make that theory.
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