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Old 2012-12-19, 13:02   Link #785
Love Yourself
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Northeast USA
Age: 38
Originally Posted by GundamFan0083 View Post
I already posted how violent crime is going down and is at a sixty year low.
Mr. Dj, showed here how mass shootings are in decline.
So the number of these stories are obviously starting to decline.
The false assumption that the more guns the more there will be stories about shootings is nonsense.
Well, contrary to what you wrote later in your post about more guns being sold than ever, gun ownership is on the decline (according to self-reporting) in the country. Depending on which poll and factors you choose to look at, it's at an all-time low. I'm fairly certain that you will claim that there's no relation between the two (edit for clarity: gun ownership and mass shootings; I already have data indicating that household gun ownership isn't related to violent crime). I have no problem admitting that you could be correct to make that claim, it's just that I've seen a lot of other data that supports the idea that there is a link between prevalence of guns in the community and gun-related violence.

And isn't that an obvious, logical assumption to make? Put more cars on the road and you can expect to have more car accidents. Put more guns out among the population, and you can expect that more guns are going to be used.

And I mean no offense in saying this, but you're clearly biased toward guns, and it shows in your arguments and interpretation of data. I know you mean well, but it's a bit frustrating to see such a one-sided take on things, particularly because your knowledge and expertise would be quite useful. For my part, I admit personal bias toward reducing needless deaths and injuries. If I saw data which supported the notion that "an armed society is a polite society," I would be all for arming more people and making firearms training more prevalent. You've posted a lot of anecdotal stories in the past, but even a few hundred anecdotal stories doesn't compare with statistics made up of tens of thousands of incidents. I don't know how you can dismiss the data so readily.

Last edited by Ledgem; 2012-12-19 at 13:17.
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