Thread: Proposal Make post counts public
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Old 2012-12-19, 18:08   Link #86
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
I think we're basically going around in circles now, so I think I'm going to put a close to this for now.

Basically, as many have probably realized, we tend to default to the status quo for most things unless there's a really strong reason to change, and for both the main proposal and the subsequent proposal, I'm not sure that there's any consensus for change.

a) Regarding post counts, for now they won't be visible next to each post, but you can still see it by clicking on the person's nickname and clicking on the "Statistics" tab.

b) Regarding Join Date, for now it'll remain visible next to each post, as it has been all along.

Those could possibly be changed later, but for now we'll keep things the way they are. If there's a reason to re-open this thread, please feel free to contact any of the staff.
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