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Old 2012-12-20, 05:44   Link #548
shirking idiots ...
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Cleavage
Age: 75
Originally Posted by Vinley View Post
I have another topic I would like to discuss, you know when issei gets power ups, they were all breast related, do you think there would be an event to make issei strong enough to beat full power sirzechs(the pure energy being mode)? I would imagine he either needs to grope every pair of breast in the world(you have to admit this isn't that far out the park for this series, there are breast lasers for god sakes!) or get in a hyperbolic time chamber thing where he spent a life with his harem for a year or something(this to would make him have god like powers, his power increases in a quadraic patter if you measure it, these options would make him god like in power(or what ever the he'll is high in the power scale, he will be oppai dragon like in power! That's it, yeah!).
If Issei masters CCQ and release Ddraig true power (in Ddraig`s prime not even God from the Bible, former number 2 could not defeat him), Sirzechs in his true form is stronger that Hades number 8 and weaker than Sakra number 5, Sirzechs is probably as strong as Thor or Typhon so he would be number 6-7, but is no match for full power Issei (probably replacing Shiva as number 2), but to master it he need a huge event ... like sleeping with all the girls
Brains are awesome....I wish everybody had one!

Last edited by bodo; 2012-12-20 at 07:42.
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