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Old 2012-12-20, 19:43   Link #341
Supreme Ruler of Crowatia
Join Date: Jun 2009
Age: 33
Oh god, the Madoka Magica debates. *shudders*

Those were the first serious discussions I posted in and for not praising the show like it's the best thing since sliced bread and for not condemning QB to Hell from the get go I got negrepped. Apparently everything Urobutcher touches is amazing and to disagree means you are a horrible person with no taste in anime. After that I shied away from any controversial subject for quite awhile. The next and last time I posted on a controversial subject, again on the minority side, I got negrep bombed. They took away one of my pretty green boxes but I claimed it back in due time.

Can't say I'm sorry to see it gone. The bars had no value I could see (though getting a posrep could be nice). I saw too many posters with massive green bars that were either jerks or whose posts were no better than anyone else's.

I do like the neutral/pointless/signed post comments idea. Also would not be opposed to private likes/dislikes that had no point system attached. If a point system were every to be brought back I think having just positive would be good and everyone would only get 1 rep power regardless of how many points they had. Reaching 1500 (or whatever the old cap was) would take quite some time.
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