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Old 2012-12-21, 00:18   Link #861
Lost Cause
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Virginia
Age: 47
There are a lot if things we don't need, cel-phones, blu-ray, tiny cars that while are very fuel efficient lack any sort of comfort or style. Mostly just luxury items we all take for granted nowadays.
Fear is the driving force behind our affection toward guns? Really? Then why are those who fear us having them or the gun itself? Ignorance maybe? Just asking?
As a species we all fear what we don't understand, to learn a thing is too know a thing, and the fear will go away. Yet there are those who just don't want to learn or understand, they're mired in old beliefs, stereotypes, or popular media propaganda. Sort of how anime is viewed by outsiders.
And as for the military turning on its citizens. Yeah right! The current military an all volunteer force, and many of the now returning veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan are less than thrilled with the powers that be, and their decesion making capabilities! I suspect that most would actually join the citizenry in an all out rebellion!
And lastly, there's more too gun than just death and destruction! Look at the lives saved by it, the ability to harvest food.
Or is a resentment of those who just don't get it, that the gun makes those who have them a bit more independent on society for their daily needs? And just tend to do their own thing without care or worry of what there peers think?

Ride, Boldly Ride!
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