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Old 2012-12-26, 01:35   Link #9
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Idaho
Age: 32
Making connections goes beyond talking to professionals.

Getting to know people in general will not only increase your chances for success but it will make you appear more successful. The more people you know from many different lots of life, the wiser you will be from the knowledge they will have to offer you. Depending on the kind of people you know, you may be a happier individual in general as well. Chances are you'll also be a more confident and sociable individual (which are skills required to varying degrees to make friends in the first place) and thus a better person by appearances. Being a confident and socially capable individual makes you a better hire because those things reflect positively in interviews. Plus, being outgoing at work around your bosses (without even sucking up) and a hard worker makes you look like a better investment (promotions).

Beyond the personal benefits, you also get the benefit of... you know... knowing people. Not every person you meet is going to be the CEO of the next big internet business, but they could be important or well-connected people one day. Every individual is someone who has the potential of offering you a benefit be it small or large. This is especially important if your career is something like photography, and thus each friend you make could be a potential client willing to pay for your services simply because they like you. People liking you and your business is a big deal! Just ask the guys who made the WarZ game. Let's face it: knowing people is power. It works for individual, it works for companies, and hell it even works for entire countries.

Now obviously being liked doesn't necessarily free you from hard work and skill. It sure as heck doesn't hurt though.
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