Thread: World of Tanks
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Old 2013-01-04, 21:03   Link #1353
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meanwhile on other news

Originally Posted by Arnold Schwarzenegger takes his own personal tank out for a spin
Arnold Schwarzenegger owns his own tank. Because of course he would.
If any private citizen was going to possess their own tank, obviously it would be Arnold Schwarzenegger. But it’s not just for joy rides and smashing cars – though he did drive me around on it, and he did roll over and flatten an old clunker with it. It’s a tank that does have personal meaning to him, and he uses it for an altruistic purpose.
The tank in question in an M47 Patton. Produced between 1951 and 1953, the 50-ton behemoths are still in service across the globe 60 years later. And Schwarzenegger told me and an assembled group of around 15 journalists on Friday that this was “exactly the very tank that I drove in the Austrian Army when I was 18 years old.”
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