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Old 2013-01-07, 14:14   Link #4876
Join Date: Jul 2009
That whole breakup was unnecessary for the story.

That whole being together with Shou and meeting her family was unnecessary.

That whole having sex to lick each others wounds (while realistic) ... was unnecessary.

They could have made Yuki and Utsumi work together on their relationship and have the drama of a final match as the tennis club... have her strive to over come her fear of sex... have him strive to become a journalist or photographer...

Have them work to something and fight to maintain their relationship and ambitions in a fast paced world.

Even Eri and the baseball had something more sensible.

The tennis club rookies antics were unnecessary

Introducing character connections... late in the game... (Toruh's sister for crying out loud !)


That whole "daddy takes her back bit..."


Frankly the story was fine when it just started but I think the author or editors got confused in the middle and started flailing about.

Why did you bring back shou... and at the same time why did you introduce us to the cat girl (that looks similar to shou ?)

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