Thread: Licensed Tamako Market
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Old 2013-01-10, 12:45   Link #470
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Age: 42
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The first episode of this was pretty good. The bird and Tamako herself received good introductions.

My main criticism here is that this episode felt extremely fast-paced. It's almost like the episode itself is suffering from ADHD. It shifts from one scene to the next at an incredibly fast pace, making it harder for me to really get engaged with this fictional world and its characters. With the characters, they must have thrown a dozen or more named characters at us all in this first episode. I would have preferred it if they had focused a bit more tightly on 4 or 5 characters, rather than focus on the bird and Tamako while trying to cram in everybody else as much as possible.

I guess I have some feel for Tamako's father and her possible boyfriend, but it's pretty slim all the same. And Tamako's two friends barely had any presence at all.

But there is some signs of potential there, as the cast seems reasonably likeable from what I could gather about them. And the bird has a great voice, so that helps.
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