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Old 2013-01-11, 18:51   Link #17
Obelisk ze Tormentor
Black Steel Knight
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Indonesia
Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
You can compare them if you'd like, but every show is also allowed to have its own approach in terms of how it blends its elements. One director may prefer to limit the fanservice to the comedic/light-hearted scenes, while another director may make the fanservice constant to some degree throughout the whole show (to the point where some people may just stop noticing it unless it's pointed out to them).

In the end, it's just something that some people will get over easily, and others can't. It depends on the person. I do think it's part of the flavour of the show, though.
Of course my opinion is for myself. And it just happen that I agree with Triple R. I'm merely stating what I think. I'm not forcing my view into others.

Originally Posted by OceanBlue View Post
I don't see how comparing yet another dissimilar anime makes your comparison any more valid. All that you've told me is that Slayers does its own thing, Fate/Zero does its own thing, VRO does its own thing, and wouldn't it be swell if VRO did the same thing Slayers did! The problem is that you're taking one element out of one show and comparing it to another show while ignoring everything else about those two shows. You're making a bad comparison because you're intentionally ignoring how the two shows function as a whole.

I'm not saying you guys aren't allowed to dislike how VRO inserts fanservice in its fights. I can completely understand your points of view in saying that it takes you out of the fight (even though I don't feel the same way). It's just a lousy comparison.
You still don’t get it. Okay, let me simplified my point:

Fate/Zero has serious fights
Slayers has serious fights
Now, assuming that VRO will also have serious fights, there’s nothing wrong in comparing how much fanservice inserted in those fights. Unless VRO will not have any serious fights at all after this.

Once again, I’m not comparing the overall anime but only the serious fights. If you still don’t get it after this post, then I give up.
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