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Old 2013-01-12, 06:37   Link #255
Orange Duke
Join Date: Jul 2012
Age: 20
Dual wielding.

Furthermore, whether the original avatar is offensive or defensive in nature doesn't seem to matter for now.
Perhaps, but from the way your OC is set up, he isn't going to be using swords, which the 3rd CD has been confirmed to be using. Not to mention the sword skills are actually as inherent a part of the original avatar that became the 3rd CD as Flame Breath was to Magnesium Drake, or Flash Blink to Chrom Falcon. That's why it was stored and passed on in the Disaster.

I did know about the sword skills and that Blue Knight beats CD3, but exactly what did that mean? The chinese text (search 'magnesium drake on google, first result) reads "三代目名字未知。拥有一度可与青之王比肩的双手剑剑技,最后在他的剑下退场。" The last two words, 退场, literally means 'left the battlefield'. It does not exactly say that CD3 had his BB uninstalled, instead leaving it rather ambiguous.
I think it's safe to say that CD3 had BB uninstalled. If there was a way to cure a CD without erasing him, no doubt Niko would have gone for that method rather than uninstalling her own parent.

On a side note, does anyone here kill your OCs? I know for one Churchblue would faint at least if I asked him to kill an OC :P
Nobody has so far as far as Accel World is concerned because there's so much more one can write about given the sheer magnitude of the Accelerated World. Unless one is absolutely sure he isn't going to continue writing the fanfic, it would be a better course of action to leave your OC alive.
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