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Old 2013-01-22, 10:22   Link #7083
Manus ad Ferrum
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Costa Rica
Age: 33
No really, I will prefer if they just drop the office setting, burn the place to the ground, grab their spaceship and boldly go where no man has gone before. Yes that will be a little stupid but has to be more interesting than watching the same place over and over while they do nothing but train and fill reports. Rather than just getting things and not reaching any conclusion maybe they could. You are assuming they will never find out something about the Silver Cross when they can really do it. Something more exciting than this, is all I’m saying.

I mean when I hear there is a problem I don’t want to see them put a commission to write a report on what is going on, I want to see them send a team and go to fix the problem. And I know the SD6 should be that team but, let’s be honest, the office part is not fun.
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