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Old 2013-01-23, 22:26   Link #1532
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by synaesthetic View Post
It's also not a realistic solution because it's not going to happen soon. Maybe not in either of our lifetimes.

I don't think we should give up on trying to make everything better, but this is the world I have to live in now. I'd like to keep living in it, so I can contribute to making the world better for future generations.
So we should just all give up? Toss in the towel? If so, you might as well stand out on the street all night and wait for someone to kill you. Some of us want to keep fighting. It doesn't matter if it is SOPA, wars, warrantless wiretapping, or the guns flooding our streets. The moment we give up, is the moment we stop living. I know you said you don't think we should give, but you may as well have.

Sometimes we can accomplish some things. But that only happens when we change our mindset, get involved, and spread the words. When enough people feel strongly enough about a change in direction, it happens. It happened in the UK and in Australia, when enough of the populace said, "Enough is enough! We don't need these guns!"

And just like that, they got rid of the vast majority. They weren't the only groups of humans that did so. But thinking we, as Americans, are somehow mentally challenged enough that we can't get out of bed in the morning without a diaper and a gun... well, I don't want to let people continue to be brainwashed. If I can fight the RIAA and MPAA and their lies, I can fight the gun industry and it's lies.
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