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Old 2013-01-27, 22:43   Link #400
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Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by judasmartel View Post
Pretty much this. But it sure is odd that some if not most Japanese don't go to college. I thought Asians place a high premium on education. And that's not even the stereotypical portrayal of Asians in the West. It's actually true to some extent, especially here in our country, where a college diploma is considered a first-class ticket to success in life.

Although, Filipino parents (in general) are much more relaxed than Asian parents are portrayed in the West when it comes to grades. All it matters to them is that their kids pass their classes (A's are better, but C's are just fine), unlike portrayals of Asians in the West (B's mean the end of the world).

On the other hand though, why bother getting a college diploma when all you have is a high school diploma in a country that can give you a decent job just as fine as a college diploma?

To set or not to set in high school, that is the question.
The thing about American portrayals of Asians is that it's based on how Asian Americans act, not Asian Asians since most of us havent even met any. Asian American immigrants who are 1st, 2nd, sometimes 3rd generation are usually hard on their kids to do well because they want their kids to do well in the new country, otherwise they're gonna have a hard life because they have no roots or support in the new country. Parents work hard to leave whatever they didn't like in their homeland to start a new life in America, and a college education is the best and most reliable way to succeed here now. I've seen it with all the African immigrants I knew too, they were treated the same way. Actually, all the immigrant kids I knew were like this except the ones from Latin America, I'm still trying to figure that one out... maybe because they're from closer continents?

I don't know about Japan, but here in USA there are very very few decent jobs for people without college degree, because we import all our unskilled labor. Seeing how rich Japan is, either they're like that too or will be soon...

Hm, Japanese people don't go to university often??? Since high school isn't even mandatory unless until recently, yet over 90% of kids go anyway, I thought they would do similar with university.

Last edited by Kudryavka; 2013-01-27 at 22:46. Reason: american portrayals, i got my typing mixed up
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