Thread: Crunchyroll D.C. III ~Da Capo III~ (Anime)
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Old 2013-02-01, 02:54   Link #215
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Shinova View Post
Wait, so in real life you would actually stay and oogle a girl in the middle of changing even if she obviously doesn't like it?

Maybe I've been living under a cave and this is some male machismo thing I'm not understanding.
I basically agree with you here. His behaviour wasn't praiseworthy in my view -- rather than being "manly", it was very "adolescent" I guess. (His reaction when he got out wasn't "that was pretty rude; I should apologize", but rather "hey, I got a good view; I'd better get out of here before she shows her anger".) But, at the same time, I did think it made sense how he was conflicted between "wait, she's my childhood friend; this shouldn't be such a big deal", and "how the heck did she become so attractive all of a sudden", and I have to admit that I got a chuckle the word sandwich that came out he stumbled. So, despite it all, it did say something about their relationship, even as it served as simple fanservice for us in the audience (even if it is one of the oldest childhood friend/sibling clichés in the book, and a recurring "feature" of all the Da Capo games/anime ).

I suppose the original poster may consider this preferable to the sort of protagonist who seems to live in fear of the female body... but there's probably still a slightly better approach overall. Not that I necessarily expect protagonists to follow it, for many reasons...
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