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Old 2013-02-01, 23:37   Link #60
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Originally Posted by Qilin View Post
Not much to say about this episode, except that the inevitable happened. Here you have a large scale loss of trust in the Sybil system, leading to lots of mass rioting. The police force is finally retaliating, but it doesn't look like they're willing to make a commitment, given that their strategy is built around disabling the helmets rather than disregarding Sybil altogether. It's an understandable choice based on all we already know about this society, but I do wonder if it really is the best one given the circumstances...

Well, regardless, I'm happy that this episode gives us an even clearer picture of Makishima's character along with his intentions. One thing that's clear is that simply causing havoc and destruction isn't his goal. Another is that he isn't exactly concerned about the society's welfare either. Given all that, I wouldn't call him a utilitarian anti-villain in the least. Rather, he's much closer to an artist with a very particular aesthetic sense. He wants to revert the world to what he perceives to be normal for its own sake. He pays no regard to the means by which he does this, nor does he care for the consequences of his actions.

Simply put, he's a human being in pursuit of beauty. He's a dreamer trapped within an ideal, to the point where the material world loses much of its meaning. Call him a mass murderer or a psychopath all you like, but his intentions are the purest I've seen in this series so far.

Maybe Urobuchi hasn't read it yet?

But I must concur. Brave New World is likely an even better comparison than 1984 when looking at the society in this series. It's a society that bases its control on unconscious associations and rewarding distractions rather than terror and threats. But really. There are lots of great dystopian novels out there, so it would probably be too much to expect all of them to be referenced here.
1984 was used to bring up the differences which is why right after I was thinking come on bring up brave new world to bring up the similarities, I think I did it in a post here before when some one was defending sybil. And your right lots of books and animes about dystopian societies heck this is the 3rd anime in a row if no.6 is new as I think, We have 2 this season I got to watch the other one after this its best to focus on one at a time and focus on the plot.Also I now have more books to read.

More this series goes on the more I think Maki is not bad. I mean this ep really painted him in a good light.Lets think for a second yes a few people died but how else would maki get rid of sybil.This episode made him seem a lot less like the survival of the fittest type earlier episodes made him out to be. I mean communism was over thrown most of the time with out side interference by another country due to war. There was no peaceful way to over throw sybil the people were majority wise far to into it to be talked into going against it were it maters, No materials left over or weapons to start a revolution only option maki had was throw the system into chaos. Only reason Maki is considered a bad guy is for killing the 2 leads friends but now if Maki character keeps on this track and once we learn his true intentions if they are not this the strong kill the weak mentality we were first presented with I can consider this a few deaths for a much greater cost. Well I am hoping they don't paint Maki as bad animes feel the need to paint doing what needs to be done or business as bad and evil.
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