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Old 2013-02-03, 05:51   Link #26167
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Originally Posted by Kyuu View Post

So, having guns makes people safer, huh?

Well. Just to highlight two points here. This man:

1) Professional sniper
2) Killed at a gun range

Ironic? Yes. And, my goodness. This dude was good enough to make it into the Navy SEALs.

Gun issues aside. I am curious as to the murder's motive in this case. And this is one of the more crappier ways for a serviceman to die. At least, the killer is caught; and naturally, the due process of law will kick in.

Reading a bit more...

I'll pretend you didn't make some inane comment about guns and address the story instead.

Can't say I'm surprised by this after what Chris Kyle said about Jesse Ventura and a host of other people.
He did stake the claim as being the "deadliest" Navy Seal sniper and that invites trouble.
Eddie Ray Routh, the suspect, is an ex-Marine who apparently took issue with something Kyle said or did.
That's not the crowd you want to piss off.

I'm not claiming that Ventura had anything to do with this guy Eddie Ray Routh's motive, because I don't know if it did or not, but I'm sure we'll find out.
However, Chris Kyle bragged a lot about his abilities, and that is not something you want to do as publicly as this guy did, especially with a book about his exploits as a Seal.
While it is certainly wrong that someone shot and killed him, it is something that a person like Kyle should have seen as a possiblity given the claims he was making.

Here is an interview he did with TIME.

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