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Old 2013-02-05, 16:19   Link #1618
Used Can
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
Ahaha... so, is fans not buying shit they don't want/like a bad thing now? How more biased can they get?
Fans were vocal from the beginning about this. Both, Capcom and NT could have done something as soon as the fans said they didn't like the direction in which they were taking the franchise... but nooooo... they knew better about what the fans wanted than the fans themselves, and now that they're selling poorly, it clearly is the fans's fault. That sure is some sound logic indeed.

What happened to "the customer is always right"? These guys simply failed at Capitalism and they're now dealing with the consequences of not doing what they should have done. Serves them right.
"The name is Tin; Used is just an alias. I'm everything Shoe Box would like to be." - Used Can of the Aluminium Kingdom
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