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Old 2013-02-06, 19:55   Link #301
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
Age: 43
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Clarami and Dr. Casey - Thanks a lot for the great and thorough reviews!

I think my favorite possible "dynamic duo" out of all the possible Puella Magi pairs, is Mami and Sayaka. By this, I mean my favorite duo for combat/action scenes. They're both generally upbeat characters with very close moral alignments, so that really enlivens their action scenes together and gives them a sort of female equivalent to a bromance, lol. I also like how Mami is the cool, calm, collected, slick, smooth, stylish veteran who Sayaka looks up to, while Sayaka is much more prone to powerful mood swings and impassioned attacks (which can be impressive to the generally more reserved Mami). That contrast fits well with Mami as the long-range musketeer and Sayaka as the close-ranged sword-wielding knight. I think the two really compliment each other well.

Well, I thank both of you for your feedback and suggestions! In particularly, I'm glad that Kyousuke Kamijo as a heroic protagonist came off as well as I had hoped. It's good to see this property have a teenaged male hero for a change of pace.

I hope to have another chapter of Mami Lives up soon. Probably within 2 or 3 days.

Originally Posted by silvercover View Post
Q: is there going to be a harem route?
There actually already is a harem ending on the Canon Route side (i.e. the side in which Mami dies in accordance with what happened in the anime itself), but it's pretty deep into the Canon Route side. I should have brought that up to you before, lol. I hope you enjoy it.

As for Mami Romance, there's some ideas I'm floating in my head. A sort of Homura/Madoka/Mami ending is possible. Sayaka won't be involved though, since...

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