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Old 2013-02-07, 21:55   Link #71
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: A Yellow Submarine
Age: 29
Erza doesn't win in every fight of hers. But the probability of her winning is like 98%, much higher than the MC Natsu's. Regardless of whether she won all her fights in the past or she's lost some of them, it all boils down to her character becoming too predictable recently. We all get this feeling whenever we see an enemy confront Erza that she would win in the end. Right? Most of the time, she does. When she doesn't, then a change is good sometimes. Thing is, it has taken the thrill of watching her fight, recently. It's like people getting tired of Gray's stripping habit. Or Natsu barging head on to fight the baddest villain. Or Lucy mostly losing in her fights (which I just noticed is the total opposite of Erza's case).

People don't complain about Makarov, Laxus, or Gildarts being overpowered because they are not shown to be in a fight much. How many times have we seen Makarov fight? So far there's only Jose and Purehito (Aria does not count 'cause that was a surprise attack). He won against Jose but lost badly to Purehito. The same goes with Laxus and Gildarts. In the few fights they had, they have been shown to have lost. Laxus to Natsu and Gajeel and Gildarts to Acnologia.

Originally Posted by Eragon View Post
Why do I get the feeling that you are more pissed at the friendship shot thing than her
As for me, it's not that I'm pissed at her character, but I'm pissed at her fights mostly ending with a "one shot to defeat them all" attack
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