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Old 2013-02-09, 00:33   Link #124
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Greater Boston
Originally Posted by Roger Rambo View Post
That's also missing the fact that as a supervisor (which is what Inspectors ARE basically) Akane is better at this job than Gino. She's extremely prosocial, so even though she zapped Kougami her first day on the job, she came to recognize how valuable the Enforcers were, and trusted them enough to give them the freedom they needed to carry out a number of different investigations. What Gino derided as naivety turned into mutual trust. I certainly think Akane gained allot of their trust when she stood up for Kougami when there was a possibility he might have been making an escape attempt, then subsequently risking damaging her hue to help identify Makishima.

I honestly think the enforcers value a superior like Akane who trusts them over some hypothetical meat head commando.
But should this really be surprising?
Yes, yes, yes.

I also love the story setting itself up for the dramatic irony of Akane taking down Sybil (or at least facilitating the takedown of Sybil), when Sybil itself deemed Akane "apt" for the job of Inspector.
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