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Old 2013-02-11, 12:13   Link #5183
Shall we?
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Europe
Originally Posted by Eeni View Post
This new Maxwell can't be Father Maxwell, Sumizawa already said that he was named James Maxwell...
Ah wait, no. You're talking about James Clerk Maxwell. At first we thought it was Father Maxwell, but it turned out to be the name Duo had to sign the divorce papers with, because that was the name Hilde chose for him in the marriage certificate ...for whatever reason.

Spoiler for excerpt:

Now, if they're trying to say that Duo's real biological father was a dude named Bill Maxwell then... then... WOW! What a freakin' coincidence! I'd throw my arms up in the air and just accept the fact that Dekim Barton or some other Barton is Trowa's biological parent! Same goes for Heero, he probably really is a Yuy!
Well, of course! You see, Bill had an affair with some woman when he was younger, leaving her pregnant. Once he found out, he left her. But then he started to feel bad, so he became a priest to make up for it. Some years later, his own son ended up in his church and took Bill's last name as his own after he died. And that's why Duo bears that coat of arms! Because he's related to Shergold! It all makes sense!
Sumizawa, you sly dog! You had this planned out 20 years beforehand!

And c'mon, Heero being a Yuy is a given. Probably even Heero Yuy, after his grandpa. This novel is not gonna end until it's revealed that Heero and Relena are cousins. I'm betting bottom dollar here!
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