Thread: Licensed Saki manga
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Old 2013-02-13, 05:30   Link #2925
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Originally Posted by eavein18 View Post
Because if they put ALL the "monsters" the picture will be too full (they didn't even put Teru~)
Huh? There are only a handful of monsters in this tournament. "Monsters" doesn't equal "ability user", if that is what you were thinking?

"Monsters" are those who have the most stupidly overpowered abilities. And to make it worse, monsters usually possess more than one ability. They are as Fujita-pro puts it players that are loved by the tiles.

For example.
Kuro is an ability user since she can hoard dora. But, she is definitely not a monster class player.

In the current tournament, the only confirmed monster class are:
Awai (?)

That's it. We still hasn't seen Rinkai or Uzusan to know for sure if they have a monster player.

Originally Posted by tsunade666 View Post
Side B are all scary bunch compare to side A

I also want to see Kiyosumi in danger. So far all of their fights are good and even when Saki sits in. The scores aren't in danger. Now there are 2 monsters in Rinkai. I want to see Kiyosumi in danger that will push Saki to go all out monster on them.
Its times like this that I feel that the draw was rigged. Just kidding.

If not you could always blame Hisa's "luck". Think about it, Hisa's power is hell wait. Hisa drew the lottery for Kiyosumi. If power affect someone's daily life, then the lottery that Hisa will draw will be the one with the worst odds. ^^

Anyway, Saki at full power will be nice to see. In hindsight, its quite odd that Saki hasn't really fought a match at her full strength ever. I swear Ritz likes heaping handicaps and mental blocks on her. Still, I believe that we won't be seeing it in the semi-final; My suspicion is raised once again due to the current match, Kiyosumi seems to be doing everything in their power to hide their strength.

Originally Posted by Marina2 View Post
I wonder if Saki will allow those monsters to get into the final round with her.....unless Rinaki and Uzusan's 5th player are something that can make Saki suffer....All I can see is Himemutsu proceeds to final round with Kiyosumi LOL.

If Saki "lose" for the first time here (Kiyosumi goes to final round as 2nd not 1st), it will be interesting.

We also have an incomming problem between Nodoka and Saki as foreshadowed in the last ep. of Saki anime - if that is canon - which we don't know the reason yet.
If you're going to bring Himematsu, then you should also bring Senriyama for the finals. They're both from Osaka and their interactions might be interesting. There's also the Atago connection to consider...

I suppose a period of reflection is also good. But, I wonder if its a good idea for Saki to lose. Every time she "lost" or suffer any setback, she also gets stronger. Its not very noticeable but she learns from her failure very fast after she snaps out of her BSOD of course.

Originally Posted by tsunade666 View Post
What foreshadowing? I also read that in the previews post but I don't get it or I don't know what you guys mean.
Its on ep. 25 on the preview for Saki Season 2. Nodoka's keychain was on the ground and it was raining so fans theorize that there will be some sort of rift between her and Saki.

Originally Posted by eavein18 View Post
The problem is Saki's weird logic T_T (remember she call I-got-no-power-Kyouko "the most resilient" when she got a one-suit hoarding miko and fortune user on the table)

Technically, Saki's logic is consistent there. Kyouko at the beginning of the match made her score fall down to zero. That is why Saki is wary of her. The problem with that and why people don't get it was pretty simple. Kyouko busting Saki only happened in Saki's imagination.

Try it. Use Hisa's trick and make Saki start with 1,000 points. Plus give all of her opponents additional 8,000 points. You should be able to point out when Kyouko was able to bust Saki and when Saki decided to switch to the "easier" +/- zero mode.

Lol Saki This is what happens when you try to mindscrew yourself. I swear you can manage to handicap yourself without even trying.
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