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Old 2013-02-15, 15:52   Link #1658
formerly ogon bat
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Mexico
Age: 53
Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
Here we go:

Put down the Stoli, dude: Russian pol says meteor was US weapon test
Lets suppose for a moment this WAS a (not so secret anymore) weapon test, am I the only one disappointed? When I saw all the videos of the meteor I EXPECTED to see a huge explosion (with mushroom included) when it hit the ground. So said weapon was very efficient in breaking glass windows, are we expected to believe enemy ground forces carry big glass windows at some moment of time so that this weapon would achieve its full effect? Would it have ANY advantage over modern warfare weapons? Also, why it is always the USA the "evil mastermind", ATM it is the EU who is taking one by one parts of the old USSR and integrating them into the union. Even the Japanese have yet to sign a end of the war that started in 1945 and have a feud over kamtchatka and the kuril islands. Heck, even China might at some point decide they want a piece of the russian territory (the water shortage problem is real and those ice glaciers might solve the problem).
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