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Old 2013-02-22, 03:58   Link #19
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
Wait a minute.... "My Childhood Friends fight too much" as the next episode title? I knew it, Sena must be a forgotten childhood friend as well! It's gotta be her, as the only 2 pairs that fight very often in the show are Sena+Yozora and Kobato+Maria. And considering Kobato is his blood-related sister, and Yozora is already established as the childhood friend, thus it's gotta be Sena who is the other person the title is talking about.

To be honest, I've always thought it was Sena who was the childhood friend in the first place, considering it makes sense as their fathers are best buddies with each other. It would be weird if they're that close and they didn't have their children meet eah other some time before.

Now the question is, how did Sena and Kodaka meet up? Did they forget because they were too young, or maybe, just maybe, there was an incident that caused them to lose their memory? Ooh, I so want it to be the latter, so that we'd have another mystery event that would be a hook for the plot, just like last season. But I guess we can only wait and see.

But now... shipping just became infinitely harder for me. At the end of last season it was so easy as Yozora was the only one confirmed to be childhood friend, but now I can't decide between her or Sena. Though if Yozora keeps up the tracksuit style (or that swimsuit style she had last season), I would choose Sena instead, because man, they look absolutely dreadful on her.

As for Kobato+Maria... weird that the preview mentions that in 5 years they'd be childhood friends. I mean, for example, Ichika+Rin from Infinite Stratos met during last year of elementary school and reunited first year of high school, thus only 3 years elapsed and they're still childhood friends.

Meh, I guess I'll just chalk this up to Kate being misinformed, or something.

Yes its YOU childhood friend - source of BERZERKER RAGE since forever
Childhood Friend couple STATISTICS(spoilers abound though)
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