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Old 2013-02-22, 22:10   Link #434
Sunder the Gold
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Filling a page with new ideas for non-Arc rewards was surprisingly easy. It's kind of fun to find ways to totally screw with the normal rules of Brain Burst. I don't even feel like this is the limit of what I can come up with.

I also found ways to make the canonical Brain Burst act more like an MMO, through these rewards. Read through to the end, or skip there, for details.

These are special (often one-time use) priveleges which may be earned by defeating certain dungeon bosses or legendary roaming Enemies. If some of these seem less impressive than the others, extend the number of times the winner can use them, or the time in which they retain the privilege (such as up to a real-world year).

1) As mentioned, an additional copy of Brain Burst to share

2) Immunity to the Judgment Blow from one legion master

3) The power to inflict a Judgment Blow on a fellow legionaire as if one was the legion master; does not work against the actual legion master.

4) The power to instantly and automatically retire any one Burst Linker whose Duel Avatar is not of a higher level, at the cost of instantly and automatically retiring oneself.

5) "Life"-long immunity to real-world challenges from one specific Burst Linker.

6) The power to disband a legion by striking a blow against the legion master, and prevent the reformation of the legion for a short time.

7) The power to unilateraly declare a duel a Free-For-All.

8) The power to unilaterally declare a duel a Draw.

9) The power to log out from the Unlimited Neutral Field without a Leave Point.

10) Instant resurrection from death in the Unlimited Neutral Field

11) The power to challenge one specific Burst Linker to a duel in the real-world, regardless of territory (or tag-teams, if such a thing offers any protection).

12) The power to unilaterally challenge an individual Burst Linker to a 2-on-1 tag-team battle.

13) The power to invite additional fellow legionaires into a territory battle, regardless of the number of challengers or without increasing the allowed number of challengers (however that works).

14) The power to throw away your current bonus-choices and pick new ones for your Duel Avatar. The boss for this reward is a mirror-match copy of your own Avatar.

15) The power to upgrade your Duel Avatar with ONE additional level-up bonus, from among those you could have previously chosen. (That is, no choosing a bonus which could only be available at a higher level.)

The power to mutually retire oneself and another, and the immunity from judgment blow, offers an interesting character idea. A Burst Linker whose Legion Master orders to use that power against a particular enemy, and who thus defects from the legion to a different one... they hadn't informed their master about the immunity reward.

A defector from CCC or Aurora Oval, who had been ordered to erase Silver Crow to spite the Black King?

Enhanced Armaments which are not strictly weapons:

1) A flag that, when planted in the ground of the Unlimited Neutral Field which corresponds to your legion's real-world territory, has a negative effect on anyone who isn't part of your legion. The inability (or reduced ability) to charge Special Meter, perhaps.

2) A device which warns you when someone other than your fellow legionaires is inside an area of the UNF which corresponds to your legion's territory. It doesn't tell you who, but merely points in the direction of the nearest invader, like the Guide Cursor of a duel.

3) A free-to-ride pass for the UNF tokyo train system and other forms of vehicular transit.

4) A limited-time discount card for Shops.

5) A sort of credit card for Shops, which allows you to spend from any Burst Points you might earn in the future, rather than charging from the points you currently hold.

6) A house in the Unlimited Neutral Field, into which you can enter the Unlimited Neutral Field without spending Burst Points (or at least enjoying a hefty discount), so long as you don't leave the building. Perfect for someone who wants to run their own shop and actually turn a profit.

7) A workshop: Seperate but compatible with a house, it allows one the privilege to collect Enemy parts (assuming they don't normally leave corpses) and use them to craft items (with no garauntee of success or quality, and no user guide!), which can be sold to other Linkers or even the system itself (with significantly lower rewards) in return for Burst Points.

Last edited by Sunder the Gold; 2013-02-22 at 22:33.
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