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Old 2013-02-27, 02:36   Link #3675
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Originally Posted by mark1246 View Post
I feel like #2 is the most closely related situation that can happen to touma and still be canon because it seem saten never see him again until she finally MAKE A CAMEO IN NT NOVEL
Yeah, it's the one most possible.
Even in LN, Kamijou summarized the "Fu Ko Da" events of Daihasei, but there wasn't a mention of Saten or Misaki.
So from the canon side, it would be most probable that he won't be involved.

Hovewer I would not forgive Kamachi if he goes with something so trivial and stupid.
I mean.. there is so much potential (even without him being actively involved)

Aside from the ones I mentioned before, there are a lot of other "crazier" possibilities like
8. - The charm could be magical (this teory was around when anime aired) and he migh cancell it's effects, resulting in..

9. - IB has great impact on all powers around him (heck, he made spawn Kazakiri), so it can affect her power too (wasn't something about this mentioned in LN?) - her ability migh completly change, she might learn how to use her lv 0 power..

10. - She might have the charm at home, so she takes him there, later she will take a shower and happens to runs around her room naked while he comes to return it Then her parents come to visit her..

11. - He listens to Saten problems, decides to go and defeat te villain (Misaki), ends up saving her instead (with his traditional preaching and punching in the face), but the fanservice events will be so traumatic, that he will no longer want to remember them after Daihasei ends.

12. - Saten agrees to lend him the charm if he returns the favor. ( Later she will make him crossdress for her (Touka), so she can flip his/her skirt )

Last edited by zaeraal; 2013-03-05 at 07:18.
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