Thread: World of Tanks
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Old 2013-02-27, 12:56   Link #3387
The Opened Ultimate Gate
Join Date: Dec 2011
Age: 29
Originally Posted by Kamijou_Touma View Post
Yes Q, he's dissing the IS line, although Kimi said he would rather play the Russian Medium Line than the US Mediums. But he's pitting the Patton Medium tank with a IS Heavy series, which is a bit uneven if you know what I mean.

Pattons are good in the right hands, but Kimi said that the Brit medium is better at tier 9 and 10. But why go Russian medium, unless you like the undergunned medium tanks on the Russian side. I too like the Wolf, despite it being undergunned, the 2.76 sec reload time with Rammer, GLD or what ever that is used to make aim time faster, and the binocs, makes the tank far superior TD over other TDs. So I'm keeping mine. Con't the Hellcat line its awesome due to spd, aim/accuracy, and reload time similar to my SP. with the same set up for my M10. I think Kimi should play the TD turret line on the US than go Russian Medium. Its far more amusing than playing undergunned tank.
I play USSR med cause they are fast and small and I can use the skill I mastered in crusader and Cromwell in high tier.
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