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Old 2013-02-28, 20:09   Link #466
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: London, England
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
Yes, Iran is hostile. So? They have the RIGHT to be hostile. They don't "hate your freedoms", they hate you for destroying their country via the CIA.
And let's not forget before the CIA it was the British that overthrew the Iranian government in 1921 in another state sponsored military coup. There is a reason why Iran is suspicious of foreign activities particularly western ones.

These issues do not get better if you consider that Iraq got invaded for not walking the politic rope while a nation much more rogue such as Pakistan and North Korea can operate with seeming immunity and not get invaded. Then there is the classic map of the US's presence around Iran:


Nuclear weapons are not used as an offensive weapon but they are used as a defensive strategy to reduce the risk of foreign occupation. Perhaps I am wrong here but I think the risks of terrorists acquiring WMDs is overstated to push a politic agenda. In any case though the consequences of a war on Iran are too great to undertake with just a suspicion of WMDs. I think the US and even Israel know this and all that this rhetoric we do hear is a mix of bravado and chest thumping. A war in this region is likely to result in a WMD of an economic nature being inflicted on the world.
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