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Old 2013-03-03, 23:11   Link #32
Moving in circles
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Singapore
Age: 49
I'll keep it brief. I no longer have the time to follow up on all the shows I want to watch, and even less time to mull over the ones I do. Those shows that end up in my "backlog" eventually end up collecting dust — I almost never go back to them. The original impetus to watch them had faded away.

Part of the fun of watching anime, I find, comes from being able to discuss them with others while they are "current". The inability to do that as often as I would like to hampers my enjoyment of anime to a certain extent.

To be sure, though, the other part of the problem stems from an awareness that there are fewer series today that I'm interested in following. I'm not as emotionally invested in anime as I was, say, five years ago. It's a function of my relative lack of time, and also a function of not being able to find as many stories as I used to that deal with subjects that I am curious about.
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