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Old 2013-03-04, 18:56   Link #12590
Sol Falling
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Age: 35
Originally Posted by Tenchi Hou Take View Post
It was fairly obvious and badly done. My intelligience was insulted by it (and that's the most annoying thing a shounen author can do). I'm sorry if I unable to do the mental loop holes required to see that scenario go down as ok. But I call things bullshit when I see them and that was most certainly bullshit. (Also your quote doesn't imply that at all, Aijimu was a near omnipotent being that had lived since the begining of the universe of course she was able to predict the future to a reasonble degree, that doesn't imply she believed the world was manga when the end of her fight with Medaka implied the exact opposite).

It's bad enough that Aijimu couldn't even put a cognitive arguement against Medaka in spite of her personality and the fact she had been researching and trying to disprove this shit for thousands of years. You expect me to believe that someone of Aijimu's personality, believed something to the point where she'd kill herself over that belief (despite not wanting to) could not construct and arguement that even defended that belief. Even if what someone says is completely wrong if they actually believe in it they can actually put up an arguement in there defence she couldn't even do that. The entire chapter was facepalm worthy.
Ajimu's reasoning for killing herself was that there was nothing in her world which was impossible for her, not because her world is actually a manga. Ajimu seeing the Medaka Box world as a manga is not a question of "believing" it or not, she directly sees her world as a manga as demonstrated when Zenkichi used Parasite Seeing on her. It's not something which can be changed by logic or someone's argument.

The only thing which Medaka proposed to Anshin'in and Anshin'in accepted was that Medaka would make killing herself 'impossible' for her. Anything else said about 'Medaka Box not really being a manga' is completely irrelevant, because it was impossible for Medaka to know what Ajimu perceived anyway. However, we as readers know that Ajimu can do direct things like having knowledge of the presence of colour pages, the current number of volumes in the series, or even directly speaking to the audience ("I'll end the manga before the anime begins," etc.) so the Medaka Box universe being a manga is simply basic fact for Ajimu, not a "belief" which can be changed or challenged. There is honestly zero indication at all in the story that Ajimu no longer sees her world as a manga anymore. She still does, it's not even possible for her to do otherwise.
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