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Old 2013-03-05, 17:39   Link #156
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Playing devil's advocate a bit...

Originally Posted by 4Tran View Post
Reckoner, are you disputing the claim that the visual imagery is clear in portraying the Sibyl System as both villainous and sociopathic?
Imagery's at best the creators' opinion. We don't have to agree with their conclusions on the morality of the premise.

While the show would like us to believe that he's some sort of existential threat, I don't find this convincing. He's been reduced to posting on 2ch for a new plan for crying out loud.
He's not the one who posted the thread - it was Kogami's professor friend.

And even that new plan exists only because the creators invented a new vulnerability for him to attack.
Yes, the system's fragility has been a problem since Makishima's first plan.

Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
Human society have serial killers the same way we have Earthquakes. We KNOW they exist. And we plan around these things. Sybil did not. And they are not dealing with some supervillain; just your ordinary cold-hearted killer in a society incapable of dealing with him.
To be fair - it doesn't make much sense to earthquake-proof a house built somewhere earthquakes just don't happen.

Our societies aren't crime free either - plenty of murderers do "get away with it". And even more are caught only after they, well, become murderers.

If Makishima was the sole murderer in PP Japan, and he killed only one person a week, even if he did it for 70 years, one could just call that... acceptable losses and still feel that society is extraordinarily safe. Or at least safe from criminals - random incarceration by the state's another matter...

The problem is that that society seems to go out of its way to be easy to topple.
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