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Old 2013-03-10, 21:11   Link #111
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by Crimson Cloud View Post
Ehh... I dislike how people say that, you know, it's shonen and what would you expect? But honestly... Dragon Ball/Z was also shonen, and you barely could guess what the hell would happen. Yeah there were power ups, for bad guys as well. Goku technically didn't take out Vegeta, he needed help with Frieza before he reaches SSJ level and he sacrificed himself to save others when Cell was about to blow up. My point is that it had verity. It's ok for me to see Erza slash her opponent with one hit after equipping a new armor. It's ok seeing it second time... alright even a third time. But fourth and fifth time is enough. And I don't want to be a shallow person and calling the reused thing an ''epic fight.'' As much as I loved Fairy Tail, I'm dropping it.
After fourth or fifth time? No variety?

Erza's fights per arc:
Lullaby arc - Took out some trash, and assisted against the flute demon.
Galuna island - She just tossed a spear at the sky with a new armor
Phantom arc - Blocked Jupiter beam, charged at Aria slicing his airspace apart and finished him with one blow (but using an armor we had seen before). And then repeatedly failed against Jose (despite pulling out a new armor).
Heaven's Tower - Was beaten and captured by her previous friends. Fought Ikaruga for awhile, failing at first, before using her now infamous bandage armor (might be considered #1 as per your complaint, but she had to struggle a bit first to learn her opponent's attacks and grow as a character). Fought against Jellal, but failed.
Thunder Palace arc - Was stoned for most of it, fought Evergreen and won with a bluff. Briefly tangled with Laxus, before switching with Natsu. New armor, but she didn't beat Laxus with it.
Oracion Seis - Lost to OS badly at first, using a new armor. Fought Midnight, and as before, struggled for a time to understand his attacks before pinpointing his weaknesses; saw through his illusion after a bit, and defeated him. Did use a new armor, but that was more defense against his first "form." Still, might be considered #2 (defeat someone with one slash using a new armor).
Daphne arc - fought some lizardmen and helped attack the big dragon
Edolas arc - Fought her counterpart in a longish fight, that ended with them both on the ground; brought out a new armor, but only earned her a draw. Might be considered a #3, though.
Tenrou Island arc - Briefly fought Meldy before Juvia took over, then fought Azuma. As before, struggled for awhile, before finally managing to beat him (no new armor this time). Joined in the fight against Acnologia, but lost along with the rest.
Clock arc - I don't remember this arc too well, and no desire to rewatch it at this time, but she did fight against Cobra 2.0, and couldn't beat him until he got distracted(and Cobra had her beat). No new armor.
Magic Games arc - Takes on the 100 monsters, but no new armor. Tangled with Kagura, but managed to beat her; no new armor. Finally, in the latest manga installment, we see her pull out a new armor to win against Minerva after tangling with her for a bit to learn her attacks.

So, grand total of Erza pulling out a new armor to defeat someone? Possibly 3 times, if we're being liberal and really stretching it. In all of her tough fights, she usually gets beat down at least a bit, before learning her opponent's attacks and then choosing an armor to use against them. And in not all cases did a new armor help.

But 4 or 5? That would be pushing it. And we definitely see a great variety in her fights; wins, losses, and even a draw.

We've seen a grand total of 16 armors from Erza (including the seduction and Farewell armors), so considering she is supposed to have over a hundred, we've barely scratched the surface. Erza is consistently shown to be one of the strongest, smartest, and most versatile mages around. She holds back and only uses as much power as she needs to. Takes time to learn her opponent's attack, and then hits them with the best armor/weapon combo. In other words, she brings skill, as well as power, to her fights. Not just pure shonen power.

That is a big reason that I, and many others like her. It's extremely rare to see such an ass kicking female in shonen, let alone one who is generally stronger than the main character. Her backstory, relationships, and feelings that give her depth, are a decidedly welcome bonus.

You don't have to like her or the series, and I commend you on the decision to drop a series that no longer interests you. But for those of us who remain, I thought I'd clear up a few of the misconceptions.

Edit: To add a bit more about the comparison with DBZ... while it is true there is some variety there, most often it is Goku (or Gohan) who powers up midfight and turns it into a one-way pwn match. The Goku/Vegeta fight was actually one of the best fights of the entire series, and one of the reasons I kept watching into the Frieza arc. But I mostly dropped it after that, after getting tired of how useless practically everyone else was. Little did I know, that DBZ was gonna turn all the humans into repeated target practice (see: "Krillin owned" counter from DBZ abridged). One of the big reasons I like Fairy Tail, is that everyone in FT usually has a good moment to shine in a fight in each arc. At least the mains, if not the secondaries, too.

And at least we know Erza has a bunch of armors, so her pulling a new one out in a fight makes sense. Goku suddenly going Super Saiyan (and then every other Saiyan, as they hit SS2, SS3, and SS4) was pulled out of nowhere. If you think Erza's armors are bad, you must think Goku's SS-asspull was horrible.

Last edited by Kaijo; 2013-03-10 at 21:28.
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