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Old 2013-03-14, 20:17   Link #14
Okuyasu the Bird
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Alberta, Canada
Age: 32
Well for an low-budget film made by students and an incredibly random and zany script penned by Sena, it's a really good thing they have Rika with her amazing SFX and editing skills. It'll probably save their project.

Hmmmm, Kobato's almost like the Sena of the Junior High division, minus the arrogance, incredibly distant towards anyone aside from her brother and is actually liked by her female peers. Seems Maria was a bit upset with that, but it was resolved quickly.

Yusa actually showed up again and they actually named the school president. I don't think they would do that if there wasn't some significance they had, but with only 2 episodes left that's kind of hard to imagine what it could be.

It's pretty easy to guess the word Rika said that was muted was "friends". Seems like Kodaka already realized that too and has feigned ignorance to it all this time. Question is though, why would he do that? Still, I'm glad to see Kodaka's not actually dense.

Looks like we're getting into the serious stuff now considering the season's almost over.
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