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Old 2013-03-22, 16:47   Link #72
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Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
I'm pretty sure that observation haki was how he recognized him. One thing to remember is that CoO was implied to sense the presence of others in rather subtle ways, particular in that it can be used to hear the "voice" of other people (as we've seen in Skypiea). So my guess is that if the blind man heard Luffy's "voice", it might be recognizable to him (since the voice may "sound" similar to Garp's/Dragon's). At least, that's my take on it, anyway......
I'm not disputing that the blind man can "see" Luffy in front of him. Rather, I am saying that he shouldn't know what Luffy looks like prior to meeting him (i.e. showing a blind man a piece of paper with a picture of Luffy is pointless, even if the blind man has extra-sensory abilities). It should be noted that he said that he did not know who Luffy is last chapter.Consequently, unless the blind man has met Luffy in the past, he really shouldn't know who he is (of course, the blind man could have met Luffy during the Marineford battle).

The idea that somehow Luffy's haki is similar to Dragon's or Garp's is interesting, but I do not know if I really like that answer (Haki should be autonomous in my opinion since it represents a person's individual will, though I do acknowledge that there could be some form of collectivism involved (e.g. the Will of D)).

My prediction: He works for DoFlamingo and helps to solve problems in Dressrosa. Problems like the troops we saw harassing visitors while they are trying to gamble (which is the scene we walked into last chapter).

Originally Posted by Blackbeard D. Kuma View Post
Some people in the bar recognized him, but only after really getting a good look at his face.
No one recognized him. Only the barkeep had any idea of his identity, and that is only because the blind man gave the barkeep an address to send the bill (which doesn't necessarily mean the blind man was recognized, the address could simply be something really big and important ala a marine headquarters or DoFlamingo's castle, etc).
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