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Old 2013-03-24, 21:54   Link #142
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by Qilin View Post
This all leads me to wonder: What exactly was this show trying to say? Similar to Psycho-Pass, this seems again to be an ending where very little was changed in terms of the societal constructs in play. In the end, even Saki, after learning the truth, could only continue to perceive the queerats as beasts as she killed Squealer.
Real change is rarely immediate. One only needs to look at the US rights movements to see this in action. Humans also rarely pay heed to their own advice of "those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it." You can also infer other morals like "power corrupts" and "the right thing to do isn't always in the boundary of the rules".

Also remember that the fiend and Squealer weren't the end of the problem. Squealer's thinking and actions have now tainted many colonies, and the views the humans had about them. Plus there are the children he kidnapped, who must be found. It's not likely that the humans will get them back by simply asking for them. So there is dirty work involved in dealing with the colonies no matter what Saki and Satoru have learned. If there's anything messier than war itself, it's the cleanup afterwards.

The hope is mostly in that the old guard are for the most part, gone. What is left are societies more malleable than ever, ripe for change. Unfortunately we won't see this explored any, and the future is left up to our imaginations.

The true hero in the story, to me at least, was Kiromaru. Unlike Squealer he had no lusts for power, only concern for the survival of his people. He held his principles deeply and clearly for all to see, and in my opinion was the closest to an equal to the humans than any queerat was in the story. His sacrifice ensured the survival of everything he swore to protect, and he did it knowing that he himself would pay the ultimate price. He was not perfect, but I think he was the best representation of the "noble human" we strive to be.
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