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Old 2013-03-27, 23:24   Link #39
I can has drinks?
Join Date: Mar 2006
The Iris series had male main characters (yeah, spinoff, yadayada) and so did Mana Kheima - both series under the AXX project numbering. I don't see this as a bad thing. Though I'll admit I hated Klein since he was such a crappy party member even with Alchemy and buffed equipment. Logix seems like a cool guy.

What is of real interest is the imposing of the Dynasty Warrior engine on the project. Makes sense for the company at the helm to use the same engine across projects so they can allocate resources (ie. programmers) without too much overhead. I'm certain this will also fix some optimization problems that seem to have popped up in 7th gen console games (weird frame rates and Totori, as much as I liked the game, had some hiccups and freezing) since it's been one that's had lots of tweaking.

Though I can't help but wonder if this means the series itself will go the direction of Dynasty Warriors - like this shift will culminate into it morphing into a Musou series. Imagine the last game in the Dusk series has you commanding units and capturing strategic points. Jokes about this have been around ever since they bought Gust, but with the change in game engine and emphasis on developing the battle system, one has to wonder. I guess that all depends on what Tecmo-Koei's vision is for the future of the franchise.

That aside, they should totally add a moon phase system that effects Escha's battle capability. When it hits full she should be able to transform into Oozaru and totally wreck stuff.
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