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Old 2013-03-28, 13:04   Link #4
Join Date: Jan 2009
Age: 34

- After running from the club Kodaka spends his time helping the student council with some stuff with hilarity ensues and some ecchi when Kodaka finds the girls changing clothes.
- Well, Yukimura got some screen time which shows her on a moe/cute fashion enough to make people go NNGGHH.
- And finally, Rika show she's got steel balls, curbstomping Kodaka to force him acept such obvious fact that he has friends, etc.

- Guys, you will never now the answer to Sena's confession .

- On the other hand Yozora's suffering doesn't seems to has basis so its pointless leaving just like that.

At the end, isn't a true friend someone who points out your weak points and even sacrifices their own interest/happines for other's sake?

Let go past, face the present, look towards the future.

Be happy Kodaka, you have a true friend in Rika.
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