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Old 2013-03-28, 19:08   Link #17
"Also a Lolicon"
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: East Coast America
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So if I'm understanding this correctly, Kodaka pretends to not notice his admirers because he doesn't want to destroy the club by going into a relationship with one of the members. Haganai got pretty meta, but I guess it takes a somewhat more realistic view on these harem situations. Even if he tries to keep everything neutral and in a harem state, eventually the situation will force him to make a decision. The obvious answer is to date someone outside the club, like Kate :P.

Also, is a third season confirmed already? Or did they have this cliffhanger ending to screw with us? It'd suck to have to wait another few seasons before we have a resolution. The series feels incomplete at this point.
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