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Old 2013-03-31, 13:02   Link #4302
黄金の魔女 Golden Witch
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Natal-RN, Brazil
Age: 28

"Shii" means love? Aren't the (most common) words for love "ai", "koi" and "suki"? "Shii" by itself, either as hiragana or katakana doesn't mean anything relevant, but 死 (shi) means death, however since they aren't written the same then it doesn't have any meaning. Yes, people still act superstitious about it. 四 (also "Shi") means four but is pronounced the same way as 死 (death) so some buildings in Japan don't have a fourth floor, like some in the west don't have a 13th floor.

Tthis is something people often get wrong. Even if the word means something, if it isn't written in the same way then it's just coincidence. Like when some Higurashi fans say that

Spoiler for Minor spoilers to Higurashi:
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