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Old 2013-04-06, 08:29   Link #1124
That one guy
Join Date: Nov 2011
A curious thought ran through my head. Reviewers in general hate QTEs. And Rising has quite a few sprinkled all throughout. So does Bayonetta and maybe a numerable number of Platinum games. I can sympathize with the whole, QTEs get boring as you go along since they're all the same so I wondered how to make them more interesting.

So what if there were multiple inputs for a single QTE?

Like when you're caught by the mastiff you're not just forced to do the stick waggling but you can choose to do something else. Which would result in character animation doing something else. It would affect your positioning and varies damage and effect on the enemy. For the bosses they could be finished or blade moded from different angles pending on QTE done.

Would this have been more interesting?
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