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Old 2013-04-06, 16:51   Link #154
World's Greatest
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: San Francisco
Age: 37
Damn. I really need to get caught up with the franchise. The first Metal Gear Solid is my favorite. I have the second and third, and fourth as well. I haven't played each of them in a long time. I have a PSP, but I haven't played OPS or Peace Walker yet. I've forgotten a lot of the story and characters just from the main games. My PS3 has just been sitting in box for about three years as I haven't had time to play any games. Hopefully I can find time in the near future to play the installments again. Especially with these next two games coming out. I really miss a lot of the story elements in Metal Gear.

"Every light must fade, every heart return to darkness!"
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