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Old 2013-04-11, 20:13   Link #3
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
I frigging love you relentless, because basically what I did in the other thread was "post n'run"... meaning I'd post my views on the current HDTV episode, but I never read ANY of the posts for fear of being spoiled.

To be honest though? I honestly think we'd get much discussion here, as the original one really didn't have a breakneck speed of posting. But hey, can't hurt to try, and there's a first time for everything.

Originally Posted by blakstealth View Post
I wonder who that entity was that assumed direct control over Izumiko. At first, I thought it was Izumiko's mother that entered, but that would've been impossible lol. Also, that Wamiya guy's pretty sketchy. I'm getting weird vibes from him. :0
Oh Wamiya is like the anti-Miyuki. Whereas Miyuki is all about being mean to Izumiko but is there to protect her in the end, I think Wamiya is all about being nice to Miyuki but he might be the boss of the shadowy figures. XD

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