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Old 2013-04-29, 17:56   Link #4033
Tenshi's Defense Squadron
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Fighting against those who oppress the system
Originally Posted by wavehawk View Post
- Well then you have ME to thank. I talked (rather, bullied) a friend of mine to NOT troll people at Manifest with that Large Size IS Academy uniform that just became available on Amiami. I told him that I'd have to beat his brains out with a lead pipe if I caught him wearing that. Just to give you an idea, HE has previously dressed up as Kuroneko (OreImo), Marisa (Touhou), and Hisui (Tsukihime). He does it solely to troll people. I didn't really mind him crossplaying the other characters, but GOD DAMN IT HE IS NOT CROSSPLAYING AS CHARU, OVER MY DEAD BODY.

- We wish. If this was in the hands of a serious science fiction writer, this could be some really good material. But so far, it's just (pardon the crudeness) women generally being bitchy. Nothing really substantial in terms of world-building.

- Manning up, maybe. Being less dense? Well, if seeing the girls he knows having wet dreams about him STILL doesn't give him a clue, I doubt anything will come of it.

Unless they reason out that his disinterest in girls is subliminal programming or something--but we've already kicked that horse to death a hundred pages ago.
Ichika is programmed to be a siscon, duh! xD

hai, hai. Onii-chan has his work cut out for him.
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