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Old 2006-02-03, 11:43   Link #453
Join Date: Feb 2006
Age: 47
Well now then

Haveing read all 400+ posts, and seeing sevral points of view listed here, all of them very very fresh (IE not from 3 months ago) I beleave that this show has had some very good and bad input.

And as meny others have mentioned this is only 2 eps that have been fansubed. Futher more I have seen sevreal Anime boards with ~Girl meets Girl~ threads with nearly the same level of posting and views

I couldnt get through all of them, but its clear to say that most of the feedback for this series has been postive, and VERY wide spreed. But in meny cases I have found that some posters are unfermiler with Anime in general *not here but others* and cant help but put the series down because of the titel alone.

Has anyone else noticed this? I mean in DOAXBV the warning on the back for Nudity had almost everyone bitching about it, and saying it was bad...

I got the impresion that because of the content, alot of ppl outside of the anime comunity have expressed this sentiemnt!

Anyone else see this happening?
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