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Old 2013-05-10, 22:05   Link #2053
Join Date: Nov 2004
Originally Posted by Key Board View Post
well if you want to go that way, let' me throw in my own theorycrafting..

The armor and casing are probably made by Jior. They have a human ergonomic feel to it.

but real essence/core is probably something they discovered or dug up.
Think about how Evangelions are really flesh golems wrapped in hi tech armor.
This also happens in Argento Soma, another mech show by Sunrise.
So maybe Valvare's are alien corpses or relics wrapped in the same way.

To control something they don't completely understand they need an alien, or something emulating an alien

This is why pilots are given an injection. They are forcibly turned into human alien hybrids which allow them to synchronize with the alien relics inside Valvraves. If you have watched another mecha anime called Fafner, this is the same way they make pilots in that show too.

Also, judging from EULA it seems to be a risky process and not everyone survives the initiation either..
i dont think it possible, they are in space, and they make the module/colony from scratch unless the core just float by and they happen to find it
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